Database Technical Details


The current database pathname is saved between sessions in the ini file.

If it not set, or doesn’t exist then the user is prompted to select or create a new one.

The database name is always capi.db

It is a sqlite3 database.

The data folder

The folder the database is in, is also used as the root folder for all examination folders.

The name for each examination folder is created in the form


where dddddddddd is the creation date in seconds since 1970. (unix timestamp).

dddddddddd is also used as the examid.

An examination folder stores all files for that examination.

Backup and Roaming

To backup or to save onto another drive for analysis on another PC, simply copy the entire data folder containing the capi.db database and all examination subfolders.


Files (images and video) are saved into the current exam folder unless they are a copy, or derived from another exam, in which case they are saved there.

Files saved during recordings are named:


where yy=year,MM=month, etc.

Images saved using the timer have _000, _001, etc appended.