Image Results Output¶
Image measurement results are produced by pressing the = key or
An “Image Results” window will be opened, or if already open, then measurement results will be added to the bottom of the list.
Name of image or video that measurement was taken from.
User units of image and measurement results. i.e. pixels or µm.
ROI w¶
Width of area used for measurement. Width of ROI if set, or whole image. In units.
ROI h¶
Height of area used for measurement. Height of ROI if set, or whole image. In units.
ROI area¶
Area of image used for measurements. Area of ROI if set, otherwise area of image. In units2.
Av. Level¶
Average grey level over measurement area. Range is 0-255.
Minimum grey level.
Maximum grey level.
Dimension list used for measurements.
Total number of dimensions in measurement area.
total L¶
Total length of all dimensions in measurement area. In units.
Av. L¶
Average length of all dimension lines in measurement area. i.e. Total length / N . Note that this will also include zero values from dimensions which do not have length. In units.
total Area¶
Sum of areas of all dimensions in measurement area. In units2.
Av. Area¶
Average area of all dimensions in measurement area including dimensions which have zero area. In units2.
density (%)¶
Dimension density in measurement area as a percentage. Total area / ROI area.Dimensionless.
Count density¶
Density of single point countingdimensions in measurement area. Count / ROI area. In number per 106 units2. i.e. mm2 if units is in µm.
Dim count density¶
Same as Count density above, except using all dimensions.
Linear density¶
Intended for measuring density of vascular networks. total L / ROI area. In units per 106 units2. i.e. mm / mm2 if units is in µm.
A simple tortuosity measure of the ratio of vessel length to chord length, where chord length is the shortest straight line length between the two end points. Dimensionless. See Tortuosity.
A more complex measure of tortuosity using a method described by Enrico Grisan.In1/ units i.e.µm-1if units is inµm.
Tort1 curves¶
Number of detected curves used in the Tortuosity1 calculation. Dimensionless.